Saturday, September 3, 2022


I started my first blog, Conversations with Caitlin About Life, Faith, and Unpaid Internships, over 10 years ago. I blogged about my internship with the Presbytery in Barranquilla, Colombia, so that my home Presbytery could follow along with my journey. I wrote at least a few times a week and enjoyed sharing about life in Barranquilla with friends and congregants in Ohio. When I returned home and went back to college, I kept the blog up and running and blogged during various internships that I held. Eventually, I started my life as an adult in Washington DC and made a couple of posts about my first two jobs there (around 5 years ago!). 

Now, I've found myself with much to share, especially with my St. Andrew Presbyterian Church community, who is generously supporting, encouraging, and praying for me as I discern my call to ministry. My other church families might also be interested in following along on my journey since they are very much a part of my call to ministry, too (FPC Mt. Sterling, FPC Troy, Calvary Baptist, and other churches, congregations, and organizations who continue to support and encourage me). With all of you all in mind and because of my love for story-telling and connecting, I am launching Catching up with Caitlin to share about my journey of discernment...the twists, turns, jumps, fears, trials, treasures, gifts, and more.

I am writing this at 7am on my final day of orientation. This summer, my routine has been all over the place due to the Hebrew intensive class that I was engaging in. Many mornings, I woke up at 7am and studied for an hour before getting ready for class. Other mornings, I woke up at 7am, worked out or ran, and then studied vocabulary or read chapters for the day for 20 minutes or so. Regardless of how I have spent my mornings, 7am is my routine wake-up call and sometimes it's even earlier if there are many items on my to-do list. I have found that having a long morning routine helps set the tone for my day. When I walk to campus each morning, I am able to say reflect on where I have seen God at work, say prayers, and find ways to be more deeply connected with God.

Somehow, 8 weeks have passed since moving to Richmond, which was the same day that my Hebrew class started! In 8 weeks, I've covered a lot of ground!

  • I've learned over 500 Hebrew vocabulary words.
  • I've aced 6 quests (quiz/exam) and our final exam.
  • I've taken 10 vocabulary quizzes.
  • Charles and I have hiked at a few local parks.
  • We've built community with folks who I now consider to be close friends.
  • I've studied Hebrew for an average of 10hrs/day for 5 days/week.
  • I've hosted "pool study days" for classmates on Wednesday afternoons.
  • We've visited wedding venues and settled on one for our intimate wedding in 2023. Since getting married in a church is a priority, we will get married at Union Presbyterian Seminary's (UPSEM) chapel, which will be really neat!
  • We've made it through Charles getting COVID-19 and me having to do class online for just 1 day.
  • We've visited 3 different PC(USA) churches so far. 
  • I've read 2 incredible books (for fun!) when I've needed intentional "non-Hebrew" time.
  • I've made new friends from 4 different countries and served as the unofficial "welcoming committee" for our new international students. What a joy and a privilege this continues to be!
  • I've had the privilege to learn my first ancient language. I've had a professor who brought deep meaning and intention to the layers of grammar we learned. I've engaged in thought-provoking conversations about the importance of interpretation of scripture. I have been challenged and educated in an incredible way. I have learned that if I learn the vowels, life studying Hebrew will be a whole lot easier! As our professor shared with us time and time again, context is everything, both historical context and the context in which we are serving and living now. She also challenged us to "acknowledge the privilege and responsibility we now have to serve the seek justice...and to serve the Lord." through our knowledge of Hebrew. 

As I continue to reflect on the last 8 weeks, I am humbled, exhausted, and incredibly grateful. My classmates are friends who will become colleagues and with whom I know I will stay connected for the rest of my life. Some of my fears about entering seminary have been assuaged (although that fear of failure and not knowing enough is still very much present). I have seen God at work in my friends, our pastoral professors, and in our community.

Today's the last day of orientation. After orientation ends today, I am babysitting. Then, I am doing my second job of driving some of our international students to the grocery store (I have two jobs but am working just a total of 10-12 hours/week). Then, I will come home, decompress, and rest. I'll spend this weekend trying to engage in intentional rest. But, I'll also do some assigned readings and start a paper (who knew that there are assignments before class even begins?!). This Fall, I'll be taking Old Testament, Women in the Biblical World, History of Christianity, and a Theological Journeys + Theological Research class. I am eager to continue this journey of seminary and of discernment and I am almost ready to start studying again!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. St. Andrew's encouragement, financial support, the gift of having Julie as my liaison, and your prayers are helping make my journey of discernment possible. I am deeply grateful for the St. Andrew community. Please reach out if you'd like to talk more. I also hope to lead a Theology on Draft session at some point and maybe even collaborate on a Lenten or Advent study sometime, too! My goal is to post on this blog at least once a month and I am excited to keep you all abreast as to my studies, learnings, and the things I am doing.

Much love and many blessings.


June 2024

Monday, June 17th at 7:30am - Today marks the start of week 3 of my CPE internship. CPE stands for Clinical Pastoral Education and is a trai...