Monday, September 30, 2024

September 2024

Before I started seminary, I was interested in doing an internship at a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) like Good Samaritan in Denton. I thought I'd do Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at a CCRC and loved that UPSem had a relationship with a CCRC where I could do CPE. This was one of the pros in the UPSem column of my seminary research. I couldn't wait to go to UPSem and do CPE at a CCRC.

Well, even the best laid plans and ideas sometimes don't work out! Grace Presbytery's Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) suggested that I do CPE in a hospital where I could experience the full range of life. I took their suggestion (and am so glad that I did!) and did CPE at VCU's hospital, as y'all already know. So I'd completed my church internship, my CPE internship, and then had a dream to do a "for fun" internship at a CCRC. I wasn't sure how this would happen or when I'd do this "for fun" internship. But I still had this dream.

Thanks to a connection from a member of my church internship site, I connected with the Director of Spiritual Care at a local CCRC. The Director was about to retire but said he'd connect me with his successor. The new Director of Spiritual Care reached out to me in June 2024. I explained that I'd be doing CPE over the summer and that I'd love to meet with her in August. We met in August, I expressed interest in preaching at the CCRC's weekly Vespers service, and of volunteering. After our meeting, I was offered a monthly pulpit supply gig in addition to a Chaplaincy Internship at this CCRC. Wow!

Since the moment I felt called to attend seminary, I've had detailed ideas and plans. This summer and fall are a reminder to me of how God is present in my life and in all our lives. Plans are good. I love plans. AND...God's plan is not always my plan. God's plan isn't always our plan.

I need this reminder! 

In addition to interning and preaching monthly at the CCRC this school year, I'll also work as a PRN Chaplain at VCU's hospital. I'm thrilled to practice spiritual care in two different settings and to flex my preaching and worship planning muscles, too. I'm grateful for these opportunities and the ways that God continues to work through me. I'm also thankful for the many folks in my life who serve as connections, mentors, supporters, challengers, and encouragers.

God's plan is not always my plan. 

Here are some photos from September:

Classic "first day of school" photo --- it's the third and final year for me!

Live jazz music at Byrd Park with seminary friends

Some of the UPSem gals celebrating an upcoming wedding. 
This was a marathon day for Charles and me --- we drove to Arlington at 7am, met our friend's baby and spent time loving on her, went to a baby shower in Alexandria, VA, and then drove back to Chesterfield, VA for this wedding party. What a gift it is to have friends.

Charles and I had a day-date to Sweet Wynns where we tasted ice-cream and each made our own pint! This was a gift from my parents for Christmas last year and we had tons of fun.

Friday, September 27th arrived which means it was time to take the Theology Ordination Exam. I'm grateful for my sweet and funny husband who got us breakfast and then carried all of my exam materials to and from campus.

In my third and final year, Master of Divinity students are able to have reserved library carrels! How exciting. This is mine all set up for the Theology Ordination Exam. The exam was a long 9 hours and I have a feeling that I'll be taking the exam again in January. But I'm glad I gave it a try before I have even taken Theology class (I'm currently in week 5/24 of theology class at seminary).

Another UPSem outing --- this time to a concert by Flamy Grant and their openers.

Thanks for the continued prayers and support. 

Blessings from Richmond,

September 2024

Before I started seminary, I was interested in doing an internship at a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) like Good Samaritan in D...