Monday, March 27, 2023


In March, my mom visited me in Richmond and brought with her numerous cards that she and my dad received when I was born. These cards were from church communities where my dad interned, where my parents had attended, churches that my grandparents attended, and the church that helped raise and form me from my birth. One of the cards was from St. Andrew Presbyterian Church and is pictured below:

Now, almost 30 years after St. Andrew Presbyterian Church mailed this to my parents, I am officially under the care of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church and Grace Presbytery as a Candidate in the PCUSA. My family has a long and rich history at St. Andrew; my grandparents joined there in 1971, my father, aunts, and uncle grew up in the church, my aunt Betsy was married there, we celebrated the lives of my grandfather and my aunt Helen there and their ashes lay at rest in St. Andrew's columbarium. In 2016, my dad was called to be the Senior Pastor at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. Indeed, the Culps have always been a part of St. Andrew.

I am humbled, joyful, and grateful to be under the care of St. Andrew Presbyterian and to have had their love and support for the last 29 years. Thank you to the St. Andrew community for holding me in your care for all these years, most especially now as I discern my call to ministry.

I am thankful for the communities of which I now am a part and the church communities who've helped form, shape, raise, and teach me.


With just three weeks left in the semester, I have a busy week of community justice advocacy, classes, homework, and worship. Then, I will begin working diligently on two final projects, studying for a final examination, and writing two final essays. Earlier this month, I interviewed with the Committee on Preparation for Ministry and was approved to be a Candidate under Grace Presbytery's care. I also received a scholarship from Grace Presbytery. Thank you to Grace Presbytery, St. Andrew's Session, and my liaisons for the constant support!

Shortly after receiving that exciting news, I was called to be a 2nd Year Seminary Intern at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church (GPPC). GPPC is just one block from UPSEM's campus so I'll be able to continue my walking commute! I will not be taking a class during the May term since I have too many credits at this time. But, I will start intensive Summer Greek class in July. I am actively preparing for the Bible Content Exam, which I'll take for the first time Labor Day weekend. Finally, I was just elected Service Deacon for the Richmond Student Government Association and will start that new role in the Fall. I carried out the last of my official 1st Level Representative duties last week by making "finals treat bags" for all of the 1st year students.

In addition to all of my seminary and Presbytery activities, I get married in June and while time is flying by, we're very excited about our upcoming nuptials.

Lastly, I will be at St. Andrew in-person for worship on April 23rd and May 15th and look forward to worshiping with my St. Andrew family in-person. I hear that there's a guest preacher on May 15th --- guess who it is?!

With Gratitude and Blessings,

My favorite part of the week is post-class lunches outside with friends.

We had an evening worship service and it was still light outside when it ended so we took advantage of the weather and explored the neighborhood!

Just a snippet of UPSEM's gorgeous library (if I don't have class and it's a weekday between 9am and 5pm, I am in a carrel at the library!)

I love my job of driving folks to the grocery store. Last Friday, we also swung by a plant store for fun!

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