Tuesday, January 23, 2024


    For the last 6 months I have struggled with chronic hoarseness. As a parish intern who co-leads worship weekly and engages in many pastoral care visits, this has been difficult. Additionally, not being able to speak much in classes and not talking on the phone with family and friends has been an adjustment. In November, I was diagnosed with nodules on my vocal cords and muscle strain as a result of the nodules. I have been in speech therapy for the last six weeks. My biggest takeaway from speech therapy is the reminder to breathe --- and not just to breathe but to breathe properly; slowly, deeply, from the diaphragm, and often.

    The deep breathing, which I now try to practice each time I speak, forces me to slow down and to speak intentionally. The practice of deep breathing enables me to pay close attention when I read scripture, to emphasize pauses between sentences while I preach, and to honor silence that comes between sentences, words, and deep breaths. My breath is a sign of my being alive and it is what helps my voice be unique and clear. The breath work that I am engaged in reminds me of the Hebrew word ruach, which means "breath" or "wind" or "spirit." When I breathe deeply, I invite myself to feel God's Spirit to move through and around me. Ruach dances, stretches, and blows in and around each of us. Sometimes, God's Spirit even stirs us in ways we never imagined. I am grateful for the gift of breath and for God's boundless Spirit who works in and among us. May we each find time to breathe deeply, to create space for God's spirit, and to be aware of how the Spirit might be guiding us.

    Below is a copy of a breathing exercise that folks of Ginter Park Presbyterian Church (GPPC) engaged in when I preached and led worship on January 7th:

Breathe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Let Her stir within you.

And breathe out the light that your gifts bring to illuminate our world.

    Over the last 6 months since I last posted (I sincerely apologize for the delay!) I have learned a ton, experienced various types of ministry, and have felt God tugging me in different directions. Here are some highlights via words and photos: 

  • Last Fall, I was enrolled in the following classes: New Testament I, Supervised Ministry I, Introduction to Christian Worship, and Introduction to Pastoral Care. Introduction to Christian Worship is my favorite course of seminary so far. I loved everything about that class and would love to share my learnings with anyone who is interested (especially my "dream" worship space and expansive language exercises). I am also proud to share that I passed the Bible Content Exam in September, which is one of the five exams that Inquirers/Candidates for ministry must pass in order to be Candidates for ordination in the PCUSA.
  • In September 2023, I began my parish internship at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church (GPPC) where I focus on pastoral care, work with the Care Team, co-leading worship, co-planning worship, learning all about congregational ministry, and ministry with older adults. I have attended a few seminars about Aging & Spirituality and look forward to teaching a Sunday School class about this in February.
  • Currently, I am in the process of interviewing for Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) programs and am enjoying my Spring classes of New Testament II, Supervised Ministry II, Introduction to Preaching & Proclamation, and Presbyterian Polity. I am taking two more ordination exams at the end of January.

January 2024
I preached the day after Epiphany and the liturgist was the former preaching professor at Union Presbyterian Seminary (no pressure, right?!). You can find the full worship service (I put together the words for worship on my own and music with help from the Director of Music) linked here (the service starts at 22 minutes). An audio recording of my sermon is linked here.

January 2024
Preacher intern's husband award!

December 2023
Moravian Love Feast @ GPPC

December 2023
I contributed a poinsettia in honor of my late-Granddaddy, Glenn, and my late-Grandfather, Ralph.

December 2023
I loved attending Camp Hanover's Christmas, which is a stroll through the camp's woods visiting shepherds, animals, angels, which culminates in visiting the Holy Family in "Bethlehem."

October 2023
My husband planned a day-trip to Stafford, VA with seminary friends for my 30th birthday. I was gifted a piece of artwork made by A Sanctified Art, LLC.

September 2023
I preached my first sermon at GPPC during week 3 of my internship.

September 2023
My friends and I led a "Vespers-style" worship service at UPSem's Yaupon Place as a part of the student-led, student-fed, and student-bred ministry called Reap & Sow Ministries.

Vespers service at Yaupon Place

September 2023
First day of the Fall semester

August 2023
Potlucks at Richmond Hall on UPSem's campus are always my favorite.

August 2023
I was excited to visit Montreat Camp & Conference Center for my first time and had to purchase the "Have you hugged a Presbyterian today?" t-shirt. I loved posing in UPSem's library in front of the hand-crocheted PRIDE flag (made by a friend of mine).

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June 2024

Monday, June 17th at 7:30am - Today marks the start of week 3 of my CPE internship. CPE stands for Clinical Pastoral Education and is a trai...