Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 2024

The Spring semester ended last week and I cannot believe how fast time flies. Since I last posted, I have preached my final sermon at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church (sermon linked here) and led a fellowship activity as part of my final project. I have also co-led a Chapel service at Union Presbyterian Seminary's Richmond campus. The service was called Sow & Serve and was hosted by the Richmond Student Government Association's Service Deacon (me!) and Reap & Sow Ministries, which is a student-led, student-fed, student-bred ministry on UPSem's Richmond campus. I serve as a the Worship Coordinator for Reap & Sow Ministries and hope to make this "worship-through-work" experience an annual service. For Sow & Serve, we brought in local organizations and ministries to share their work with our UPSem community. I prayed this prayer, which is written by John van de Laar on the Sacredise website, and it summed up our worship service perfectly:

God of Justice,

We may not be able to confront queens,

or challenge presidents;

We may not have the capacity to divert resources,

or uplift communities;

We may not have the voice to silence the noise of war,

or the words to negotiate peace between armies;

But, as we follow you, O Christ, our firm foundation, we are able to do something.

And so, we pray that you would inspire us

to commit to and act on

the small difference we can make:

May we bring peace

through small acts of blessing

and reconciliation;

May we bring wealth

through small contributions

and collaborations;

May we bring safety

through small acts of consideration

and acceptance;

May we bring wholeness

through small acts of care

and service.

And in the small ways, O God,

may our difference make a big contribution

to your saving work in our world.


In addition to these two worship services, I attended (and helped with) Tulip Fest, which is UPSem Richmond's annual spring festival. I had my yearly evaluation with Grace Presbytery's Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) via Zoom and they voted to continue to have me under care of Grace Presbytery (yay!). As I prepared for the end of the semester, I wrapped up most final projects/papers/sermons early because I traveled to Texas for 10 days to attend my cousin's wedding and my sister's bachelorette party. Between those two events, I had a great time in Denton for a few days! I am grateful for lunch with my Session liaison, Julie, and for the opportunity to attend Super Wednesday at St. Andrew Pres. After Super Wednesday dinner and programming, I attended the Session meeting as a guest. I love attending Session meetings because I learn so much about church life and administration (I attend Session regularly at my internship site and I visited another church's Session meeting as an assignment for my Polity class this Spring). I enjoyed witnessing how St. Andrew enacts PCUSA polity as I prepare for the Polity Ordination Exam, which is this Thursday.

I have a ton to do in preparation for both the exam and my trip to South Africa, which begins April 27th. This morning our family experienced an unexpected car accident, which involved my sister who is pregnant. It was a terrifying experience for her and for all of us who love her (she's safe now). In the midst of the fear and worry, my sister's friends enveloped us in love, a kind couple cared for my sister by helping her out of the totaled car and calling EMS, and friends and family offered prayers, love, and support from all places. It wasn't the end to the bachelorette weekend that we were expecting and it's still unnerving and frightening, but we feel God's love through the love of our friends and family. We appreciate all of the prayers and care.

I am thankful for the constant support & encouragement from my church families. I hope to post updates to this blog at least a few times during my travel seminar to South Africa!

Blessings and Gratitude,
Hiking at a Virginia State Park

Ethiopian food with Mengistu, my friend, tutor, and mentor.

A little time for fun in RVA!

Ginter Park Presbyterian Church's Parish Intern, Pastor, and Youth Leader Intern

Christ is risen!

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